Friday, March 2, 2012

hitting halfway

Yesterday I realized I was halfway through this trip when I needed to get a new blister pack of probiotics out. 

A 60 day supply was exactly halfway gone! 

Say what?! 

Yes, it is true.

I felt it was time to evaluate Santa Marta and share a bit about the city with you.   And perhaps it is the influence of hanging out with both a photographer and a cinematographer for the past few days ... but I figure the best way to do that is with fewer words and more photos. 

I know, I know ... you're thinking, "ding dong, sister ... apparently it takes you a month to make great choices."
The following photos touch on both the hardship and the beauty of Santa Marta and area.
sunset at Rodadero beach

Rodadero palms

Fisherman's Friend
Street construction: zero progrss
in the last month.
My neighbourhood park at night. 
The bay at sundown

Hand-made traditional bag gifted to me from
one of my student's mothers.
Drinks on a rooftop have tired buildings sandwiched between
you and the stunning cathedral just blocks away.

the fact that people here want to help
and make connections with locals
who need more opportunities.


"hombres de la noche"

In summary, it appears that what has taken my breath away (despite the poor upkeep of the city) is:

the sunsets
the beaches
the people

And, really, what more could a person ask for?


  1. Wonderfully written and perfectly captured as always. Have a great last day Aims. And although it is the end of something, what lies ahead is pretty exciting!

  2. You are a wonderful writer .. you should do more of that. Maybe right all you experiences when you get home. Danielle cut my hair and did a beautiful job .. thank you for her. I can't wait to see you when you get home and hear all your stores. Stay well and stay safe. Jack says hi. hugs Delma
